My day job i use ssh… alot. When you manage hundreds of servers with mission critical infastructure running on passswordless login with ssh keys can be huge time saver. I also take security pretty seriously when it comes to store sensitive information and always looking to find better ways to store sensitive information securely and also in a convenient way for it to be not cumbersome. With that thought combining ssh keys to encrypt/decrypt files made quite sense so here is a quick write up to do it for anyone else that are interested in it.

1. Create or open a file that you would like to encrypt.
➜  ~ echo "my super secret information" > secret.txt
➜  ~ cat secret.txt 
my super secret information
2. If you havent already create a rsa key pair. If you would like to use existing rsa key pair skip this step and continue to step 3.
3. Export your generated or existing public key to pem format.
openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa -pubout > ~/
4. Now you are ready encrypt the file you created earliear.
cat secret.txt  | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey ~/ > encrypted-secret.txt
cat encrypted-secret.txt 
5. To decypt the secret
➜  ~ cat encrypted-secret.txt  | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa
my super secret information

serkan haytac

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
AWS Certified Developer - Associate
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate
One liners

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