To format strings in awk use printf ui .currently does not natively supoport search for multiple topic tags as of now. However their api allows you to query multiple tags. Below is a simple example to query with ecs
and go
topic tags.
If you are working on a project that involves multiple aws profiles and vscode, this trick might come handy. Depending on the project you would like to make calls from vscode interated terminal to certail aws accounts. In order to do it you need to setup env var AWS_PROFILE
on the current shell session. So in order to that in vscode simply create .vscode/settings.json
in your projects root and append or add the following snippet. Depending on the os you might need to slightly use different settings.
Both serverless framework and api gateway has the concept of stages.
aws --profile=HA rds describe-db-instances --query 'DBInstances[?DBInstanceIdentifier==`evox-dev`]'
. sourcePer AWS docs requirements for encryptions are:
My day job i use ssh… alot. When you manage hundreds of servers with mission critical infastructure running on passswordless login with ssh keys can be huge time saver. I also take security pretty seriously when it comes to store sensitive information and always looking to find better ways to store sensitive information securely and also in a convenient way for it to be not cumbersome. With that thought combining ssh keys to encrypt/decrypt files made quite sense so here is a quick write up to do it for anyone else that are interested in it.
Screenshots are saved as .png files on the desktop in Mac OS X v10.6 and later. They’re automatically named “Screen Shot date at time .png.” To save your screenshot to the Clipboard instead of a file on your desktop, use
This is a basic summary of excellent tutorial from Digital Ocean on how to setup OpenVpn with Docker.
A common server access pattern is to prevent any connection to your production servers from outside of their private subnet, and use a bastion host to access the private subnet. This pattern is very useful when you want to limit; for example ssh access, from only within the network.